Welcome to The North Horangi Newcastle Taekwondo School. Taekwon-Do is a Korean martial art literally means the art of hand and foot. The main international organizational bodies for taekwondo are the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), founded by Choi Hong Hi in 1966, and the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) by the Korea Taekwondo Association.

At the ITF North Horangi Taekwondo Newcastle you will learn technical content, skills, patterns, stretching, sparring (full body protection is available), fast reactions, self-defence and more and at the same time have fun and enjoyment. We are here to help you every step of the way for you to achieve your own goals and for those who want to get their hands-on medals and trophies, help and guidance always available. Three sessions are organised in a week. Our Martial Arts Newcastle Taekwondo school is suitable for complete beginners with no prior knowledge of any martial art is required through to more experienced. There is no age limit to join at our school and is a great way to meet new friendly people. Beginners start as white belts and work their way through the grades towards black belt and so on. Taekwon-Do martial arts will help improve coordination, flexibility, discipline and self- esteem. The activities we do are so engaging, rewarding and motivating that the stress will flow out of you at the end of the training session. It will give you a bonanza of satisfaction, sense of achievement and you will feel transformed. We belong to English Taekwon-Do Association (ETA).

Our Newcastle upon Tyne Taekwon-Do team consists of students from different countries and all are welcome. Taekwon-Do helps you strengthen your muscles, tendons, stamina, increase your range of motion, build a strong core. It will help you get that healthy, lean and flexible body.



        The equipment which we use at The North Horangi ITF Taekwondo Newcastle upon Tyne school is purchased from Torchwood Martial Arts http://www.torchwoodmartialarts.com/. We practice breaking boards techniques using a TMA MASTER KIT consisting of GROND II Breaker unit mounted on a dedicated floor stand. The MASTER KIT boards are positioned at precisely the correct height with no need to reposition for repeat strikes. The breaker stays where it was set requiring only the reload of boards making it much easier to rehearse with precision over and over again. It avoids motion risks and injury that may have caused in practice.

        How Grading is conducted: ITF Taekwon-do Instructor/Master conducts the grading at The North Horangi.
Grading criteria may include : Multiple patterns depending on color of the belt grading for, free sparring, 1 step sparring, 2 step sparring, 3 step sparring, theoretical explanations, strength fitness test, breaking boards techniques and technical knowledge check.


Taekwon-Do Oath Taekwon-Do Tenets
I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do. Courtesy (Ye-ui).
I shall respect the instructor and seniors. Inegrity (Yeom-chi).
I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do. Perseverance (In-nae).
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice. Self-Control (Geuk-gi).
I shall build a more peaceful world. Indomitable spirit (Beak-jeol-bul-gul).